contemporary art

Punctum Gallery is dedicated to contemporary art focusing on photography but embracing all art media. In the gallery we comprehend contemporary photography as a reflection of our society today. We choose to show artists who deal with currently relevant themes. We believe that the idea behind a picture, the message, the research, the artistic practice is valuable. In our curated exhibitions we wish to amplify those artistic voices which contribute to the expanding medium of photography and to the evolution of contemporary art.

The gallery represents emerging and established artists from both Estonia and abroad, aiming to create a community of artists, curators, and collectors. We are looking forward to meeting individuals, who share both our vision and our field of interest.

“It’s the element which rises from the scene, shots out of it like an arrow, and pierces me” - Roland Barthes on Punctum “Camera Lucida”


Punctum Gallery
Allveelaeva 4 (entrance from the Vesilennuki street), Tallinn

Email again:


Allveelaeva 4, Tallinn

(entrance from the Vesilennuki street)

Opening hours Thu-Fri 13-19
Sat-Sun 14-18
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